Tokyobling's Blog

Omikoshi At Yasukuni Shrine

Posted in Japanese Traditions, People, Places by tokyobling on October 19, 2013

The first and last stop of most omikoshi, the portable shrines (believed to actually house the Gods) carried around town during shinto festivals, are usually the main shrine of the neighborhood. Not always, but usually. You can usually tell by writing where the omikoshi is from as the name of the neighborhood is written on lanterns or uniforms worn by the townspeople carrying it. In this case I saw the omikoshi of Kojimachi town entering Yasukuni Shrine at the Mitama Matsuri in July this year. It was proceeded by a music teams complete with drums and flutes in the darkness of the night. I think you can get an idea for how crowded it was near the head of the shrine, and the closer the omikoshi got the more crowded it got too. I did not get as close as I wanted, but sometimes it is okay to just stand back and observe as well.

If you are in Tokyo or Saitama today and want to see one of the biggest autumn festivals of the year, then do not miss the massive Kawagoe Matsuri today and tomorrow!









9 Responses

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  1. yoshizen said, on October 19, 2013 at 5:00 am

    It’s funny to think, is there any abstract one God exists in the Yasukuni-Shrine,
    instead of the million of lost souls in the war.
    —– who or which one came to ride on a Omikoshi.
    (or, am I talking too disrespectful ? ) 😀


    • tokyobling said, on October 20, 2013 at 2:24 pm

      Haha… (^-^) I think the official line is they are all merged into one big spirit. So no problem there!


  2. Mathieu said, on October 19, 2013 at 1:36 pm

    nice picture


  3. Mustang.Koji said, on October 21, 2013 at 5:29 am

    Loved the B&W at the top… Nice focus and DOF.


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