Tokyobling's Blog

Inside the Great Buddha – Kamakura

Posted in Places by tokyobling on July 24, 2009

One of the all time favorite stops for most tourists to Japan is the Great Buddha at Kotoku Temple in Kamakura, a seaside paradise on the south coast of Japan not even an hour away by train. This is the third biggest Buddha statue in Japan, the second being in Nara and the biggest being at Nihonji in Chiba (and the subject of a post in the near future on this very blog). Even on weekdays this popular tourist spot is inundated with group tours and school kids from all over Japan. Most people are content to stare in awe from a safe distance but not so I! I ventured inside to show you what Buddha really looks like from the inside. All for the price of 10 yen. You won’t find these pictures on the Wikipedia entry.

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4 Responses

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  1. michaelpanda said, on August 4, 2009 at 11:02 am

    The thing that struck me about being inside the Nara Daibutsu (besides the curious 10 yen admission price) is how loud it was inside – it seemed everything you said echoed a hundred fold against the heavy metal walls. In my evil little panda heart, I secretly thought it would be hilarious to run up and smack the daibutsu with a huge heavy mallet from the outside while there were people inside … I imagined their eyes would turn all swirly circles and they’d collapse in from the reverb like in the cartoons 😛

    *sigh* Oh if only I had had a mallet…

    (maybe I need to stop watching cartoons…?)


    • tokyobling said, on August 5, 2009 at 12:32 am

      Great idea. You probably wouldn’t have time to interview the dazed tourists after wards though. The brawny pensioner security guards would have you out in an instant! haha… I do believe you watch a fair bit of Tom & Jerry no?


  2. michaelpanda said, on August 5, 2009 at 1:47 am

    >I do believe you watch a fair bit of Tom & Jerry no?

    *hangs head sheepishly* LOL guilty as charged. 😛


  3. […] huge that most people tend to focus on the size of it all when they shoot it (or as I did earlier, on the inside of it). I love the weathered look of that old metal. It’s been a few hundred years now. Come rain […]


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